

noun trea·sure \ˈtre-zhər, ˈtrā-\

: something valuable (such as money, jewels, gold, or silver) that is hidden or kept in a safe place

: something that is very special, important, or valuable

: a person who is greatly loved or valued especially because of being very helpful

Full Definition of TREASURE

a (1) :  wealth (as money, jewels, or precious metals) stored up or hoarded <buried treasure> (2) :  wealth of any kind or in any form :  riches
b :  a store of money in reserve
:  something of great worth or value; also :  a person esteemed as rare or precious
:  a collection of precious things

Origin of TREASURE

Middle English tresor, from Anglo-French, from Latin thesaurus — more at thesaurus
First Known Use: 12th century

Rhymes with TREASURE


transitive verb

: to value (something) very much

trea·suredtrea·sur·ing \-zh(ə-)riŋ\

Full Definition of TREASURE

:  to collect and store up (something of value) for future use :  hoard
:  to hold or keep as precious :  cherish, prize <she treasured those memories>

First Known Use of TREASURE

14th century

Synonym Discussion of TREASURE

appreciate, value, prize, treasure, cherish mean to hold in high estimation. appreciate often connotes sufficient understanding to enjoy or admire a thing's excellence <appreciates fine wine>. value implies rating a thing highly for its intrinsic worth <values our friendship>. prize implies taking a deep pride in something one possesses <Americans prize their freedom>. treasure emphasizes jealously safeguarding something considered precious <a treasured memento>. cherish implies a special love and care for something <cherishes her children above all>.

Rhymes with TREASURE

TREASURE[1] Defined for Kids


noun trea·sure \ˈtre-zhər\

Definition of TREASURE for Kids

:  wealth (as money or jewels) stored up or held in reserve
:  something of great value <The park is one of the city's treasures.>



Definition of TREASURE for Kids

:  to treat as precious :  cherish <Ramona, who liked to draw … treasured the new eraser … — Beverly Cleary, Ramona Quimby>


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